A total of 120 startups will present innovative solutions applied to logistics at SIL 2024

Sil Startups

Sil Startups

21 de May de 2024

  • In its commitment to attracting talent and incorporating innovation into the sector, SIL will open the door, in this edition, to the largest participation of startups in the history of the fair.


  • The Logistics0 Incubator will have its own stand where all the startups that are being incubated will exhibit their disruptive solutions.


  • The 650 companies participating in SIL 2024 will present 163 new products in a world exclusive, the highest number recorded throughout the 26-year history of the international reference fair in the sector.


Barcelona, May 21, 2024.- SIL 2024, the international benchmark fair in the field of logistics, transport, intralogistics and Supply Chain, will be attended by 120 startups that will actively participate in the fair, from June 5 to 7, and will have the opportunity to present their innovative solutions applied to the logistics sector. In this way, SIL will open the door in this edition to the largest participation of emerging companies in the history of the fair, in its commitment to attract talent and incorporate innovation into the sector.

To this end, the Startup Meeting Area will be set up, an area located in the exhibition space where startups will be able to present their products to companies and visitors, as well as network with each other. Of these 120 new companies, the 25 selected by the expert committee of the SIL Startup Innovation Hub, will participate in the pitches that will take place on Friday morning, where they will have the opportunity to present their projects to potential clients and investors.

On the other hand, the TOP TEN will also be direct candidates for the Best Startup Award of SIL 2024 and the TOP FIVE will become part of the Logistics 4.0 Incubator, enjoying free of charge all the advantages of being part of the first high-tech incubator in Logistics 4.0 in Spain promoted by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB) with the support of the INCYDE Foundation through of the European ERDF funds.


Logistics 4.0 Incubator present at SIL

The 42 companies that are currently part of the Logistics 4.0 Incubator will have their own stand where they will exhibit their solutions. For the 12 new projects recently incorporated, this will be their first appointment with the sector, to which they will be able to present their disruptive innovations.

In just one year of activity, the Logistics 4.0 Incubator has already hosted a total of 42 projects that have created 72 new jobs, made 361 new clients and received 49 awards.

In the words of Pere Navarro, special delegate of the State of the CZFB, “the adoption of advanced technologies is changing the value chain and redefining the business models of many sectors, from production to logistics, marketing or product delivery. The most disruptive innovations, in this and other sectors, are being led by startups that offer agile structures to face rapid change. The Logistics 4.0 Incubator is a clear example and that is why we believe that it should be present in the SIL”.

For her part, Blanca Sorigué, general director of the CZFB, points out that “the sector is continuously reinventing itself and the SIL maintains its commitment to continue being the meeting point for the main decision-makers of logistics companies, as well as the framework for the exhibition of the latest innovations applied to this activity. That is why, at SIL, we are firmly committed to giving visibility to startups, new projects and, ultimately, talent”.

All in all, innovation will be more present than ever at SIL 2024. The 650 companies participating in SIL 2024 will present 163 new products in a world exclusive, the highest number recorded throughout the 26-year history of the international reference fair in the sector.

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