3D Incubator

The 3D Incubator is being promoted by the CZFB and Leitat technological center and supported by ERDF Funds through Fundación Incyde of the Chambers of Commerce of Spain. It is the first 3D high-technology business incubator in Europe.

Specifically, the services offered by the platform are related to the development of business initiatives, 3D printing, provision of technological services, innovation, support for marketing and project internationalisation, and certification, validation and testing. In its first 4 years of activity, it has clearly exceeded all expectations, because the initial forecast was to achieve 100 incubated companies during the first 5 years and it already exceeds 116.

The 3D Incubator facilities occupy 1,000 m2 of offices, coworking areas, a training area and laboratories equipped with the latest-generation 3D printers in our headquarters. It has been such a success that work is already underway to enlarge them.
10 industrial and small format 3D printing equipment, cleaning, polishing and tinting of parts equipment, as well as a scanning system, with the advice of an expert professional team.
The investment required for the facilities adaptation, the purchase of equipment and the supply of the services described amounts to about 3 million euros, with 50% endowment of European ERDF funds.