Blanca Sorigué sponsors the promotion of the Bachelor’s Degrees in Business & Management at La Salle – URL

27 de June de 2024
- 135 students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Management of Business and Technology and 35 from the Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Business Design and Innovation participated in the academic graduation ceremony.
- “We often talk about external motivation, the one we find in our immediate environment, but we must not forget that motivation is also internal; every day we can get excited about a project, create our own challenges, put ourselves to the test” said Blanca Sorigué in her speech to the students.
Barcelona, June 27, 2024.- The general director of the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB), Blanca Sorigué, acted as godmother at the graduation ceremony of the students of the Business & Management degrees of La Salle – Ramon Llull University (URL) that was held yesterday afternoon at the Teatro de La Salle Bonanova, and in which 135 students graduated, from the Degree in Management of Business and Technology, and 35 from the Degree in Digital Business Design and Innovation.
The celebration was attended by more than 700 guests, including 540 companions as well as professors of the degrees and academic, campus and university managers. La Salle Barcelona, a founding member of the Universitat Ramon Llull, is a university centre of international prestige with more than a century of history, which promotes the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, betting on applied research and favouring constant interaction between students and companies. Among its offer of bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate, doctorate and specialization courses, the university offers studies in the areas of knowledge of engineering, ICT and computer science; architecture and building; Business & Management; Animation & VFX; Digital Arts; Health Engineering and Philosophy, with technology and humanism as central elements of its DNA.
In her emotional speech, Blanca Sorigué took the opportunity to talk about self-motivation as a lever to strengthen learning: “We often talk about external motivation, the one we find in our closest environment, in the family, in co-workers, in friends from university, but we must not forget that motivation is also internal; Every day we can get excited about a project, create our own challenges, put ourselves to the test”.
Leadership based on innovation, sustainability and business opportunities
Blanca Sorigué, general director of the Barcelona Free Trade Zone Consortium since 2018, has a degree in Tourism from the University of Girona and has a General Management Program from IESE, a Master’s Degree in Marketing Management from Pompeu Fabra University and the Digital Business Executive Program from the ISDI business school.
The director has more than two decades of experience in the industrial, logistics and real estate fields. Much of her professional career has been linked to the organisation of fairs and other professional events, serving as general manager of the International Logistics Exhibition (SIL) since 2004 of the Barcelona Meeting Point (BMP) since 2018 and creator of the recent Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW) and the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week (BWAW).
Since her appointment as CEO of the CZFB, she has established a new strategic approach for the entity based on innovation, sustainability and business opportunities. In this sense, she has also committed to the digitalisation of industry through three major projects led by the CZFB: the first European 3D printing incubator (3D Incubator); the first high-tech incubator in Spain dedicated to industry 4.0 in the field of the logistics sector value chain (Logistics 4.0 Incubator), and DFactory Barcelona, the industry 4.0 technological ecosystem of international reference, which currently has 32 companies installed and 85% of its occupancy.
In October 2023 she was named by Forbes Women as one of the 100 most influential women in Spain, and in the same month she entered the ranking of the 500 most influential Spanish women carried out by Yo Dona (El Mundo). In November 2023 she received an award at the National Logistics Awards, awarded by the Diario del Puerto in recognition of her work in the logistics sector, among many other recognitions she has received throughout her