The OECD and the CZFB collaborate on a pilot project to certify OECD Free Trade Zones with the highest international trade standards and transparency

2 de December de 2024
- The Trade & Agriculture Director of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Marion Jansen, accompanied by her team, along with representatives from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the advisory group that represents the private sector at the OECD, Business at OECD (BIAC), and the Association of Certification Bodies (TIC Council), held a meeting this morning with the Government’s special delegate at the CZFB, Pere Navarro, and the general director of the CZFB, Blanca Sorigué.
- The Barcelona Free Zone has been chosen to develop the technical part of this certification and will become the first Free Trade Zone in the world to obtain this certification, which aims to highlight the highest standards of good governance, security and transparency in international trade.
Barcelona, 2 December 2024.- The Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have announced an agreement to initiate a pilot project that will serve to certify those Free Trade Zones around the world that guarantee international trade transparency in their territory. This agreement was reached in the context of a high-level dialogue held this morning at the DFactory Barcelona, between the Government’s special delegate at the CZFB, Pere Navarro, and the general director of the CZFB, Blanca Sorigué, with a delegation from the OECD led by its Trade Director, Marion Jansen, who, besides her team, was accompanied by representatives from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the advisory group that represents the private sector at the OECD, Business at OECD (BIAC) and the Director General of the Association of Certification Bodies (TIC Council).
Zona Franca of Barcelona is a pioneering example of a successful Free Trade Zone (FTZ), providing an ideal model for the OECD’s new FTZ Certification Scheme. This voluntary certification, which emphasizes transparency, good governance, and adherence to international trade standards, allows FTZs to distinguish themselves as trustworthy and reliable hubs for global trade. By meeting rigorous criteria for transparency, record-keeping, and proactive actions against illicit activities, certified zones can attract high-quality investments and promote lawful trade practices. The certification process will be managed by accredited Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) bodies under the oversight of the OECD, ensuring global credibility.
Zona Franca Barcelona, with its cutting-edge infrastructure, dynamic business environment, and role as a key driver of innovation and economic growth, is perfectly positioned to lead as the first FTZ to undergo this certification. As one of the most successful FTZs in Europe, it serves as a benchmark for others, setting high standards for governance and economic performance. By participating in the OECD Certification Scheme, Zona Franca Barcelona not only reinforces its position as a leader in the global trade landscape but also paves the way for other FTZs to follow in its footsteps towards greater accountability and success.
In this regard, the Government’s special delegate at the CZFB, Pere Navarro, stated that ” Zona Franca de Barcelona is a global reference within our sector of activity, and for this reason, we want to lead such an important initiative as guaranteeing international trade standards”. Navarro added that “this certification will be a guarantee to identify companies that comply with international standards of transparency, supervision, and regulation, and thus will allow us to progress towards economic and social advancement”.
For her part, Blanca Sorigué, general director of the CZFB, explained that “prior to this meeting, we had already conducted, together with the OECD, agap analysis of the Barcelona Customs Free Trade Zone through a team of auditors who have been defining the certification scheme (processes, documents and necessary information). We are advancing to become the first world free trade zone to achieve this certification, and at the same time, we are contributing to establishing the model to follow”.