The Zona Franca de Barcelona receives the AENOR certification thanks to its sustainability and social responsibility policies

Certificado AEONOR
17 de May de 2023
- The CZFB receives the SR10 Social Responsibility Management System Certificate and the Certificate of Commitment to the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda from AENOR, making it one of only four entities with this double certification in Spain.
- The actions include the development of a sustainable mobility plan, the management of ‘Zero Waste’, the commitment to the circular economy, and the development and training of talent and equality.
Barcelona, 17 May 2023 – The Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB) has received the Social Responsibility Management System Certificate and the Sustainability and Contribution to the SDGs Certificate from AENOR, the leading certification organisation in Spain.
This recognition is a clear demonstration of CZFB’s commitment to CSR policies, sustainability and action on 8 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets for continuous improvement in key areas such as environmental impact, social commitment and business ethics.
Mr. Ángel Luis Sánchez Cerón, Director of the Mediterranean Region, and Mr. Carlos Villarroya, Head of Business Development at AENOR in Catalonia, presented the certification to Pere Navarro, Special State Delegate at the CZFB, and Blanca Sorigué, General Director of the CZFB.
Pere Navarro, CZFB’s Special State Delegate, stated that “we are proud to receive the AENOR SR10 Social Responsibility Management System Certificate and the Certificate of Sustainability and Contribution to the SDGs. We thus become one of only four entities with this double certification in Spain.” In addition, Ángel Luis Sánchez, Director of the Mediterranean Region at AENOR, highlighted that “with the certificates that we are awarding today, CZFB can communicate to all its publics its commitment to values that concern society. And to do so with the backing of the most highly valued brand.”
Some of the CZFB’s sustainable actions worth highlighting include the development of a sustainable mobility plan, the use of renewable energies and the management of ‘Zero Waste’, with the aim of reducing costs, contributing to sustainable development and establishing a circular economy, more coherent with the new 4.0 economy towards which our society is evolving.
At the same time, the CZFB promotes gender policies among the companies in the industrial park. Therefore, the organisation has created the Zona Franca Women’s Council, a pioneer in the sector, which promotes and encourages initiatives to give visibility to women in the industrial environment, and the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week (BWAW), a benchmark event to actively advance gender equality in the business environment. It should also be pointed out that Blanca Sorigué has recently been appointed vice-president of the World Free Zone Organization, becoming the first woman to hold this position.
Lastly, the CZFB also encourages training initiatives and the development of specialised talent with the logistics and 3D printing incubators and the pioneering technology hub in southern Europe, DFactory Barcelona.