TOUS, Puertos del Estado, Aldoratech, MRPlay, ADIF and Greenland Tech receive recognition from the logistics sector

6 de June de 2024
- La Nit de la Logística has a large institutional representation headed by the Government delegate in Catalonia, Carlos Prieto, the Minister of Enterprise and Employment of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Roger Torrent, the Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council, Jordi Valls, the Special Delegate of the State in the CZFB, Pere Navarro, the president of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Lluisa Moret, and the President of Renfe, Raúl Blanco.
- The gala, which brought together nearly 600 presidents, CEOs and professionals from the sector, was the framework of the SIL 2024 Awards that recognized the best innovations and startups, young talent and reskilling projects and the promotion of gender equality.
Barcelona, 6 June 2024.– La Nit de la Logística 2024 brought together 600 presidents, CEOs and professionals from the main companies and institutions in the sector last night in a pleasant evening that took place in the gardens of the Torre Melina Hotel in Barcelona and was sponsored by Renfe. The event was also attended by a large institutional representation that was headed by the Government delegate in Catalonia, Carlos Prieto, the Minister of Enterprise and Employment of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Roger Torrent, the Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council, Jordi Valls, the special delegate of the State in the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, Pere Navarro, the president of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Lluisa Moret, and the president of Renfe, Raúl Blanco, who presented the SIL 2024 Awards that recognized the best innovations and startups, the best projects of young talent and reskilling and the promotion of gender equality in the logistics sector.
On the occasion of the awards ceremony, the special delegate of the State in the CZFB, Pere Navarro, stressed that “logistics has shown that it is essential for the operation of any activity, as it is the sector that moves the world, and that is why it is one of the most dynamic in the generation of quality employment and in its contribution to the country’s economy”. Navarro also recalled that “internationality is one of the keys to SIL as a meeting point for all professionals, being the place where we can see each other’s faces and talk in first person, with people from Latin America, the rest of Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia and even Oceania, from all over the world. SIL is a great international benchmark because international alliances are key to the implementation of new technologies and sustainability practices, opening new markets, moving forward and, ultimately, becoming increasingly competitive”.
SIL Award for Best Innovation
A jury made up of 12 journalists specialized in logistics awarded the award for Best Innovation to Puertos del Estado and ADIF for its digital platform SIMPLE (SIMplification of Processes for a Logistic Enhancement). It is a decentralised digital platform for exchanging data linked to the transport of goods, in maritime, rail and road modes, and between the different nodes of the supply chain. It focuses on interoperability between ecosystems through an architecture based on APIs and blockchain, on a common semantic model defined at European level, and providing a user interface that allows access to digital facilities to actors without the capacity to integrate between systems. Therefore, it facilitates the sharing of data between ecosystems with common capabilities, and in a security and cybersecurity environment. It involves promoting digitalisation as a fundamental driver of efficiency, simplification and harmonisation in transport and logistics, allowing the traceability of goods and means of transport, the best use of resources and the reduction of costs.
Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, president of Puertos del Estado, and Ángel Contreras, president of Adif received the award from Carlos Prieto, delegate of the Government in Catalonia.
SIL Young Talent Award
The SIL Awards 2024 also wanted to recognize the best logistics project driven by young people under 30 years of age. And in this case, the award went to Aldoratech, a company created in 2021 by Eduard Gómez, Francesc Viaplana and Ferran Lumbierres, who were only 28, 25 and 24 years old respectively. Aldoratech uses drones with its own technology to integrate autonomous last-mile air transport services directly where the material to be transported is located, both in healthcare infrastructures and in the warehouses of established carriers. Its services promote new models that decongest the logistics sector, offer cost reduction and allow the creation of new markets based on greater personalization, speed and quality of deliveries. Its three founders received the award from Lluisa Moret, the president of the Barcelona Provincial Council.
SIL Reskilling Award
And for the first time in its history, the SIL Awards 2024 wanted to recognize the best reskilling project that was awarded to Josep Manel Rodeiro and Guillem Valero, founders of MRPlay. They met in 2019 while studying for a PDG at IESE and in 2022 they founded MRPlay. Josep Manel Rodeiro had a long career in the logistics sector and Guillem Valero in the ICT sector, so they decided to create a project that would bring these two sectors together. In this way, they developed a platform that provides, through gaming, training and rapid experience in the hard skills of logistics. Through its gamified simulators, students practice stock management, overcoming challenges of increasing difficulty and gaining confidence in their decisions through the virtual experience. Roger Torrent, Minister of Enterprise and Employment of the Generalitat de Catalunya, was in charge of presenting the award.
SIL Award for Best Start-Up
The Start-Up that has won in this category has been Greenland Tech, a company that puts technology at the service of medical transport by revolutionizing the transfer of biological samples and sensitive contents, offering a fully controlled and safe process. That is why they have created a real-time control system for the transport of biological samples and sensitive material. The Nuuk fridge together with its SaaS platform is the most advanced solution, based on the Internet of Things, that allows you to control the temperature, location, openings and impacts of the fridge in real time and allows you to analyse and visualise this data in real time and in a clear and simple way. Nuuk enables full traceability during all stages of the logistics process within the healthcare sector. Greenland Tech optimizes the logistics process, improves content safety and reduces laboratory costs.
Joan Bou, International Sales Manager of Groenlandia Tech, received the award from Jordi Valls, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council.
SIL Award for SDG 5 in Logistics
As a result of SIL’s involvement with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the SIL Awards 2024 recognized SDG number 5, which refers to gender equality, in logistics, to make visible the role of female talent in a traditionally very male sector. In this edition, the SIL Award for SDG 5 in logistics went to Mercè Valldeperas, logistics director at TOUS. The jury recognised the commitment to gender equality, both in the workplace and towards society, which is part of TOUS’ core values and is intrinsic to its nature as a family business. TOUS’s logistics department, which is made up of 85% women, has been led for more than 16 years by Mercè Valldeperas, being a benchmark in the sector for having successfully led a transformation process in the company that has focused on customer service, digitalization and efficiency. In this sense, TOUS has stood out for incorporating artificial intelligence to deal with peaks in demand, the use of technologies for stock management and omnichannel based on the combination of offline and online. Raúl Blanco, president of Renfe, presented the award to Mercè Valldeperas.