Zona Franca de Barcelona and Onda Cero recognise Somllar, Secot, and Mil y un sueños

3 de December de 2024
- Onda Cero radio station celebrated today the twelfth edition of the “Ciutat Solidària” recognition with the sponsorship of the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona in support of the work of social entities.
- Somllar, an organisation that works to facilitate access to housing for the most vulnerable people, has received this recognition, which includes a financial donation of 6.000€, along with a communication campaign of 120 radio spots and a lithograph by the artist Margarita Gil Granero.
- The organisation Secot, which supports entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises through senior consultants, and Mil y un sueños, which strives to fulfil the dreams of children with severe illnesses, have also been honoured with both communication campaigns of 120 radio spots and two lithographs by the artist Josep Guinovart.
Barcelona, 3 December 2024.– The Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona and Onda Cero held the presentation of the “Ciutat Solidària” 2024 recognition at the Palau de la Música this noon to support NGOs and non-profit social entities in the fields of solidarity, health, childhood, education, or social reintegration.
The first recognition went to Prohabitatge Somllar, which seeks to guarantee the right to housing for all citizens, especially for the most vulnerable. This organisation aims to be a reference in residential and social inclusion with a feminist approach. For its work in this area, it received a cheque for 6.000€ and an advertising campaign of 120 radio spots on Onda Cero. Additionally, they were awarded the lithograph “Suite Equus” by the artist Margarita Gil Granero.
Secot organisation also received a special mention. This entity, which has branches throughout Spain, has been promoting the business network for over 30 years, which in the case of Catalonia, is mainly comprised of entrepreneurs and SMEs. This advisory work is carried out through the volunteering of senior and retired professionals. For this work, it received an advertising campaign of 120 radio spots on Onda Cero Catalunya, as well as the lithograph “Untitled Engraving” by the artist Josep Maria Guinovart.
Finally, the association Mil y un sueños also received a second special mention. This organisation works with children aged 3 to 17 who suffer from severe illnesses and involves families to make their children’s dreams come true and make their daily lives a bit more pleasant. This effort was also recognised with an advertising campaign of 120 radio spots on Onda Cero. The event was attended by the special delegate of the State in Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, Pere Navarro, its general director, Blanca Sorigué, as well as the news director of Onda Cero, Julián Cabrera, and the director of Atresmedia Radio in Catalonia, Francesc Robert.
Pere Navarro emphasised that “the 44 entities that participated this year could all be deserving of the Onda Cero Ciutat Solidària Awards for the great work they do altruistically to benefit the most disadvantaged groups. On this occasion, we have to extend special congratulations to Prohabitatge – Som Llar, which works to prevent and eradicate residential exclusion in times when access to housing is one of the most serious problems facing our society”. In the same sense, Navarro also wanted to highlight that “being aware of this problem, the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona is also contributing to finding solutions, and this year we have signed an agreement with the Barcelona City Council to grant them a 75-year surface right on land located at La Marina del Prat Vermell and the San Andreu Barracks, which will allow for the construction of nearly 2.000 social housing units”.
For her part, Blanca Sorigué highlighted that “today we have recognised three projects that strive to improve access to housing, children’s opportunities, people’s health improvement, the desire to share knowledge and professional experiences… actions that stem from vocation, solidarity, and commitment. A firm commitment to people”.
Julián Cabrera thanked the support of the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona and highlighted the work that Atresmedia and Onda Cero do in the field of corporate responsibility. He explained that the group has always given visibility to actions that help improve society and is now also alongside those affected by the heavy rains in Valencia, supporting the Red Cross campaign.