Governing bodies

The governing and management bodies of the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona are the General Meeting, Executive Committee and Management, which reflect the structure of CZFB. Included among the members are representatives of the Chambers of Commerce and companies, as well as the organisations representing employers and the self-employed at national level.

Jaume Collboni Chair - Mayor of Barcelona

Photography Jaume Collboni


Pere Navarro Deputy Chair - Special Government Delegate

Pere Navarro image

This is the highest body of the CZFB, which is responsible for approving and modifying the institution’s bylaws, electing the members of the governing bodies, and approving the budget and accounts

  • Chair Mr. Jaume Collboni, Mayor of Barcelona
  • Deputy Chair Mr Pere Navarro y Morera, Special Government Delegate
  • Second Deputy Chair Mr Oriol Sagrera, Secretary General of the Business Department of the Government of Catalonia
  • Members

    • Ms Mª Lidia Sánchez Milán, Deputy Secretary for the Treasury
    • Ms Amparo López Senovilla, State Secretary for Trade
    • Ms Mª José Gualda Romero, State Secretary for Budget and Expenditure
    • Mr David Lucas Parrón, General Secretary for Transport
    • Mr Marc Sanglas, Secretariat of Mobility and Infrastructures
    • Ms Almudena Escobedo Canalda, Provincial Department for Customs and Duties
    • Mr José Alberto Carbonell Camallonga, CEO of APB
    • Mr Jordi Martí Galbis, Councillor of Barcelona City Council
    • Mr Jordi Valls Riera, 4th Deputy Mayor of the Economic Area, Treasury and Economic Promotion Council of Barcelona
    • Mr Gonzalo de Oro,-Pulido-Plaza, Councillor VOX
    • Mrs Elisenda Alamany Gutiérrez, Councillor of the Municipal Group ERC
    • The Honourable Mr Daniel Sirera Bellés, President of the local Partido Popular party
    • Mr Jordi Pomarol Clotet, Treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation
    • Mr Pere Barrios Esturlese, Plenary Member of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation
    • His Excellency Mr Lluís Salvadó, President of APB
    • Mr Josep Sánchez Llibre, President of Foment Treball
    • Mr Isaías Táboas Suarez, Chair of RENFE-OPERADORA
    • Mr Camil Ros, General Secretary of UGT Catalunya
    • Mr Javier Pacheco Serradilla, General Secretary of CC. OO. Catalunya
    • Mr Antoni Cañete, President PIMEC
    • Mr Pau González Val , Budget of the Municipal local Barcelona en Comú party
  • Observers without a vote

    • Mr Ramon Xuclà Comas, General Secretary of the CZFB
    • Ms Blanca Sorigué Borrell, CEO of the CZFB
    • Ms Cristina Ozores Jack, Government Lawyer