More than 500 speakers and 100 panels structured in seven verticals at BNEW 2023

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Foto Temáticas BNEW

4 de September de 2023

  • Proptech and Health are added as new verticals in the fourth edition of the event, which will be held again at the DFactory Barcelona from October 2 to 5.


  • The event maintains its hybrid character, allowing more than 140 hours of content and more than 100 panels to be followed remotely from anywhere in the world via a up-to-date digital platform.


  • The CZFB continues to bet on a disruptive format that has turned the BNEW into the reference event of the new economy, positioning Barcelona as the world capital of the 4.0 economy.


Barcelona, September 4, 2023.- The Barcelona Free Zone Consortium (CZFB) will celebrate the Barcelona New Economy from October 2 to 5 Week (BNEW), which with its successful disruptive format has become the benchmark event for the new economy. The fourth edition of this event aims to once again be the meeting point for the agents that lead the technological and economic transformations worldwide, dealing with the most avant-garde topics of the moment in the advance towards the 4.0 economy.

During these four days BNEW will bring together more than 500 speakers that will offer up to 140 hours of content distributed in 100 panels, sessions, and debates. This event will also have about 1.500 participating startups and with a forecast of more than 12.000 attendees, who will be able to enjoy a complete content program structured into seven key verticals: Digital Industry, Proptech, Mobility, Talent, Sustainability, Health, and Experience.

The event will be held again in the unique DFactory Barcelona building – which has become the largest Industry 4.0 ecosystem in southern Europe – where it will be held in person, although it will maintain its hybrid nature, so it can also be followed remotely from anywhere in the world and free of charge for all panels through the latest generation digital platform. The only vertical that will only take place in person will be the BNEW Experience, which seeks to make event attendees aware of the leisure, cultural and gastronomic offer of the city of Barcelona.

Thus, Proptech and Health are added as new verticals in the fourth edition of BNEW, consolidating the innovative nature of the event that continues to adapt to the most current trends, exploring multiple aspects related to new socioeconomic opportunities through the application of new technologies and innovations in fields such as real estate or health, among others.

It should be noted that, in this fourth edition, the panels and activities corresponding to the Digital Industry, Mobility and Sustainability verticals will take place on October 2nd and 3rd, while the conferences and debates corresponding to Proptech, Health and Talent will take place over the next two days, October 4th and 5th.


7 verticals to tackle the new economy

One of the most relevant verticals of the event, BNEW Digital Industry, will analyze the convergence of technologies such as IoT, Big Data and Advance Analytics as an essential catalyst to drive Industry 4.0 and will address the automation of the future by applying AI, GPT Chat, robotics and 6G. This channel’s program also includes a panel on green algorithms and another on cybersecurity risks and solutions as a priority in the digital industry.

In BNEW Mobility, which is sponsored by BBVA’s BEarth, the CZFB provides a space for the public and private sectors where they can present the best solutions and the most transgressive proposals for the decarbonization of their activity, within the BSustainable section. In addition, at BTransport, smart cities will be discussed and the mobility of the future through public transport systems and smart technologies, while at BElectric the possibilities of electromobility as a generator of employment and new opportunities will be analyzed.

For its part, based on the SDGs established in the 2030 Agenda, BNEW Sustainability offers the possibility of discussing sustainability in the fashion industry and as a key asset of business internationalization. Likewise, it focuses on the green taxonomy as a guide towards the sustainable transition of companies and on October 2023 as a key date for companies that are on the path to a decarbonized economy. BNEW Sustainability will be sponsored by Ibercaja’s Bearth.

One of this year’s novelties, BNEW Proptech, will address topics such as the impact of virtual reality and augmented reality in the real estate sector, in the BTechnology section. Likewise, within the framework of BCollaborative, it will deepen the collaboration of corporations, startups and developers to innovate and improve the quality of life in cities. A sustainable future based on the Proptech transformation in the real estate sector will also be discussed at Bsustainable.

Another novelty is the BNEW Health vertical, in whose channel topics as diverse as: the possibilities offered by technological advances in new insurance models, the impact of telemedicine and exponential technologies on the sustainability of the healthcare, health strategies to integrate new technologies in hospitals or Big Data as a value proposition in the sector.

At BTalent, with an eye on people at the center of companies and entities, aspects such as green employment as an engine for generating new professional opportunities, entrepreneurship and business leadership or the skills of the future will be addressed.

Lastly, BNEW Experience maintains its goal of making Barcelona’s wide range of leisure and culture visible. In this way, during these days, in the DFactory you can find exhibitions of sculpture, painting or fashion, or attend culinary experiences (with wine, chocolate or showcooking) and even technological and immersive experiences.

The special delegate of the State in the CZFB, Pere Navarro, affirms that “BNEW is an event in constant transformation, which is governed by the latest developments in each of the sectors that it encompasses. That is why, year after year, adds new verticals that stand as potential sectors for companies dedicated to the development of new technological solutions and innovations of all kinds. The application of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Blockchain , virtual reality, 3D printing or Big Data, opens up a whole world of possibilities for companies that are committed to the new 4.0 economy”.

Blanca Sorigué, general director of the CZFB and BNEW, for her part, highlights that “the latest technological advances in sectors such as real estate or health have motivated us to give a twist to the Real Estate vertical, going further and turning it into the new Proptech, as well as adding the Health vertical. Both offer really interesting solutions. This year at BNEW we will be able to visit a future home that has not yet begun construction or carry out a diagnosis of our state of health through virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence, for example”.

The Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW) has its fourth edition in 2023, consolidating itself as a reference event that has positioned Barcelona as the capital of the 4.0 economy, as confirmed by the 12.368 registered from 107 countries in its last edition in 2022.

In order to register, the BNEW has a web page with information on the event and a registration link, while the CZFB makes the different speakers and participating companies known through the X and LinkedIn profiles.



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