Reindustrialisation of the Nissan site finalised with award to Goodman Group

22 de February de 2023
- The Generalitat de Catalunya, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona are pleased with the news after many months of joint effort and work that has borne fruit.
Barcelona, 22 February, 2023.- The Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB) announces that the tender for the lease of the land occupied until a year ago by Nissan has been awarded to the company Goodman, a group that owns, develops and manages logistics and business spaces in Europe, United States and the Asia-Pacific region. The contracting body and board approved the proposal submitted by Goodman, the only candidate to have submitted a bid, after analysing and verifying that it complies with the requirements set out in the bidding conditions. The bid guarantees industrial continuity with a project linked to electric mobility.
After the news broke, the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and the CZFB were pleased to be able to start up the activity on the entire site, which will allow Nissan’s workforce, which is currently using up its unemployment benefits, to be reemployed, as well as generating new jobs.
The Generalitat de Catalunya, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and the CZFB have at all times shown the utmost willingness to resolve the problem created by Nissan’s decision to abandon its production activity in Spain. After much effort and collaboration between these administrations, and after a long process, which has respected the principles of legality and transparency throughout the case with the aim of responding to the decisions made by Nissan’s reindustrialisation committee, the final award has been made.
Thus, the reindustrialisation of the Nissan site is now in its final stages after the first phase, which started in July 2022, with the authorisation for the company Silence, one of the investors selected by the Bureau, to start its activities within the Zona Franca site, occupying a total area of 61,078 m2 and hiring several Nissan employees, following the agreement signed by the company and the worker’s representatives. Nissan also received authorisation for the brand’s Technical Centre to continue its operations at the Zona Franca site, which occupies 38,438 m2 and employs 287 workers. As a result of this award, it will be Goodman, as the new tenant of the land, who will subrogate the contracts of the companies already established in this space and deploy the electromobility Hub project.
The Hub Tech Factory project has been one of the ten tractor projects that have benefited from the industrial value chain line of the PERTE VEC launched by the Ministry of Industry with a public aid of 65.23 million euros with the aim of leading the dynamization of the value chain by creating the competence to design and produce a complete range of electromobility components and vehicles that allow multi-reference and multi-brand manufacturing.