Visits, events and trade fairs

The Consortium of the Free Zone of Barcelona receives the delegate of the Government in Catalonia

Image with the Government delegate in Catalonia

14 de February de 2022


  • Ma Eugenia Gay has visited the entity’s facilities to see first-hand the 3D Incubator and the DFactory Barcelona, as well as all the details of the second edition of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week (BWAW) that will be held from March 8th to 10th.
  • The DFactory building itself, as well as the activity of the companies it houses, seeks to boost Industry 4.0 and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.


Barcelona, February 10th, 2022.- The delegate of the Government in Catalonia, Ma Eugenia Gay, has visited this morning the headquarters of the Consortium of the Free Zone of Barcelona (CZFB), to see first-hand the different projects promoted and managed by the entity. Pere Navarro, special delegate of the State in the CZFB, and Blanca Sorigué, general manager of the entity, have been in charge of receiving and accompanying the delegate throughout her visit.

After leaving her signature in the Book of Honor of the CZFB, Gay has toured the facilities of the 3D Incubator, an initiative of the CZFB and Leitat, with the help of FEDER funds through the Incyde Foundation of the Chambers of Commerce of Spain. In this way, he shas been able to see how the project has exceeded its expectations of hosting 100 companies in the first five years, since close to celebrating its third anniversary there are already 79 incubated companies.

After the visit to the incubator, Gay has gone to the DFactory Barcelona facilities, an Industry 4.0 node whose objective is to house all the leading technologies of the 4.0 revolution. Currently, all efforts are focused on boosting and developing 3D printing, robotics, cybersecurity and blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sensorics (IOT) and other Advanced Manufacturing technologies, such as photonics.

During the visit, the delegate has also visited the coworking spaces and the different common areas, which aim to promote the relationship between the installed companies in order to create synergies.

Also, Sorigué and Navarro have given Gay all the details of the second edition of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week (BWAW), which will take place from March 8th to 10th.

The special delegate of the State in the CZFB and president of DFactory Barcelona, Pere Navarro, has thanked the delegate for her visit and pointed out that “the CZFB is fully involved with DFactory Barcelona, a project with which we want to attract talent and investment, in addition to offering all companies in the ecosystem access to new emerging technologies that allow us to promote collaborative R&D&I projects”. “Thanks to this project we are positioning Barcelona, Catalonia and all of Spain as a benchmark in innovation and digital industry” has added.


DFactory: a new way of producing

The DFactory Barcelona responds to new and growing demands such as customization and will demonstrate the possibility of manufacturing closer to the end consumer, thus reducing the footprint of the supply chain. In this way, the project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, facilitating the digitization of industry as a key lever for the ecological transition and boosting the circular economy through the adoption of new sustainable production systems and advanced manufacturing.

In addition, the building is also characterized by its architecturally innovative style, which combines the industrial style of the old factories with glass finishes, open-plan interiors and the latest technology in sustainable construction systems.


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