Visits, events and trade fairs

The Zona Franca de Barcelona participates in the World Congress of Free Trade Zones (AICE 2022)

AICE 2022 image

15 de June de 2022

  • In his speech, the special delegate of the State in the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, Pere Navarro, has highlighted the commitment of the CZFB to the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.


Barcelona, June 15, 2022.- The Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB) has participated once again in the World Congress of Free Trade Zones (AICE 2022) which in this edition is held in Jamaica.  A delegation led by the special delegate of the State in the CZFB, Pere Navarro, and its general director, Blanca Sorigué, have traveled to Montego Bay (Jamaica) to participate in this event that brings together representatives of all free zones in the world from June 13 to 17. The main objective of the meeting is to discuss the important role of these entities in the world economic growth. AICE 2022 is organized by the World Free Zones Organization, which was launched in 2014 by 14 members from around the world, including CZFB.

Pere Navarro participated in the congress in a round table on the weight of ESG criteria in the activity of free zones, and in which he has highlighted the CZFB’s firm commitment to the SDGs of the United Nations and the 2030 Agenda. In this regard, Navarro has stressed that “as the dynamic and transforming agent that we are, for us it is key to work with a very clear objective of contributing to improving our environment” and has added that “our commitment to ESG criteria is firm, we cannot turn our back on this reality if we want to remain competitive and open the way for companies”. The special delegate of the State in the CZFB has highlighted projects such as the promotion of the first green hydrogen plant for public use installed in the Zona Franca or initiatives such as the 3D Incubator or the DFactory Barcelona that serve to advance the objective of contributing to the growth of a cleaner and more sustainable economy.

The CZFB hosted the last pre-pandemic Free Zones meeting, which was held in 2019, within the framework of SIL Barcelona.


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