The Zona Franca de Barcelona Women’s Council celebrates its 2nd anniversary reaffirming its value proposal for gender equality

13 de September de 2022
- Pere Navarro, Special State Delegate at the CZFB, and Blanca Sorigué, CEO of CZFB, chaired a new meeting of this body whose mission is to promote equality between men and women in the industrial and labour spheres, promoting the gender perspective and equal rights.
- Clara Alonso, Head of People and Organisation at SABA, is joining the Council as an advisor, bringing the total number of representatives to 19.
- Mireia del Pozo, Head of the Center for Women’s Studies in Europe (CEDE) and of the Association Plusvàlua Dones, gave a conference in which she carried out an international analysis of gender in the economic sphere.
Barcelona, September 13, 2022.- The Zona Franca de Barcelona Women’s Council has celebrated its second anniversary since its foundation in September 2020. Clara Alonso, Head of People and Organisation at SABA, has joined the Programme, which now consists of 19 female representatives from companies in the Zona Franca.
The event was chaired by the Special State Delegate of the Zona Franca Consortium of Barcelona, Pere Navarro, and the CEO of the entity, Blanca Sorigué. It also included the participation of Mireia del Pozo, Head of the Center for Women’s Studies in Europe (CEDE) and Head of the Association Plusvàlua Dones, who gave a lecture in which she carried out an international analysis of gender in the economic sphere. Moreover, the meeting also saw the presentation of the Feel the ZF Power initiative, which consists of bringing pupils closer to the companies that are a part of the Zona Franca free of gender bias.
It should be recalled that the Zona Franca Women’s Council seeks to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically number 5, dedicated to gender equality. In this sense, the Council will work to promote equality between men and women in the industrial and labour spheres, promoting gender perspective and equal rights, with a special focus on the Zona Franca de Barcelona.
After a brief colloquium among the members of the Council, the incorporation of Clara Alonso was announced. In this way, Alonso is joining Blanca Sorigué; Rebeca Marín, Head of RRHH at Aigües de Barcelona; Eva Comellas, coordinator of Human Resources at AMB; Silvia Solanellas, Category Development Manager of BCL; Yolanda Menal, Global People Director at Cellnex; Mercè Roigé, Head of Quality, Health, Safety & Environment at Covestro; Jordi Bonilla, CSR & Sustainability Manager of DB Schenker Iberia; Adriana Bachiller representative of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat; Íngrid Buera, Head of the Business Area of Mercabarna; Yolanda Trillo, HR BP HQ & Talent Manager at Nissan Motor Ibérica; Anabel Andion, Managing Director of the Prototypes at SEAT; Nuria Balcells, Sales Manager at Sertram; Mireia Roca, representative of Parc Logístic; Catalina Grimalt, Deputy Director of the Port de Barcelona; Maria López, Head of Communications and IR at Quimidroga; Raquel Díaz, representatives of TMB; the Chairperson of COCEMFE BARCELONA, Montserrat Pallarès and, lastly, Alicia Lorca, Director of Finances and Control at Zal Port.
Blanca Sorigué wanted to emphasize that “In two years of operation we have been able to find turning points to transform the culture in organisations. The initiatives we have undertaken have been able to recover and accelerate progress on gender equality”.
Before starting the meeting, Navarro gave a brief welcome speech in which he congratulated the entire Council for exceeding the expectations with a differential value proposal for the Zona Franca Industrial Estate of Barcelona and pointed out that “the success of this body is to pursue female leadership and gender equality and opportunities. As a result, you are becoming a benchmark in the industrial environment so that girls and young professionals can be inspired, see themselves reflected in this and continue with the legacy that you are building”.