Why should companies measure their commitment to equality?

19 de March de 2025

Gender equality in the corporate world remains an unfulfilled goal. Despite decades of progress in education and an increasing female presence in the labour market, the gap in leadership positions remains significant. The data shows that women’s access to economic decision-making is still hindered by structural barriers, rather than a lack of merit.

If opportunities were truly equal, leadership figures would reflect a much more equitable proportion. However, the problem persists because equality is not a natural phenomenon within current business structures: it requires measurement, analysis, and action. With this aim, the Woman Forward Foundation has launched the third edition of the National Business Ranking for Equality, an initiative that not only recognises the most committed companies but also provides them with a tool to assess their progress and areas for improvement in gender equality.

Many companies claim to operate under principles of meritocracy, but the reality shows that selection, promotion, and leadership processes still favour a traditionally male profile. Corporate structures have historically been designed under models that did not consider gender equality a priority, leading to biases and invisible barriers to female advancement.

The theory of “distance to equalisation” helps us understand why women have not yet achieved equal representation in economic decision-making. In economic terms, this distance reflects how the labour market operates under unequal rules that prevent the natural convergence of both genders in leadership positions.

Therefore, beyond speeches and good intentions, companies need concrete data to evaluate their performance in equality and address structural inequalities. As Lord Kelvin aptly said: “What is not measured cannot be improved.

The National Business Ranking for Equality by the Woman Forward Foundation not only recognises leading companies in equality but also offers them a platform to measure, compare, and improve. Its main value is providing an accurate diagnosis of the equality situation in each company and facilitating recommendations based on best practices.

Among its features are:

  • Comprehensive evaluation: each company’s performance is analysed in 12 key areas, including selection and recruitment, training, professional promotion, remuneration, shared responsibility, sexual harassment prevention, diversity, inclusive communication, among others.
  • Sectoral benchmarking: companies can compare their performance with others in their sector and size, obtaining valuable information on how they are positioned in terms of equality.
  • Access to personalised reports: each participant receives a SWOT report detailing strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in their equality strategy.
  • Recognition and reputation: the top 50 companies and their CEOs will be highlighted as references in equality, reinforcing the corporate image and employer brand.
  • Obtaining the “Leader in Equality” certification: companies that exceed the 70% threshold in the global index and at least 55% in each evaluated category can obtain this seal as an exclusive distinction, strengthening their market positioning.
  • Territorial expansion: In 2025, the ranking expands its reach to more autonomous communities, including the Basque Country, Castilla-La Mancha, Aragon, Catalonia, Extremadura, and Madrid, allowing local efforts to be highlighted and regional comparisons to be established.
  • Participation is completely free and open to any Spanish company with a registered Equality Plan. The registration period is open from 15 January to 31 March 2025.

In an environment where meritocracy is not yet a full reality, tools like the Business Ranking for Equality represent a fundamental step towards a fairer, more equitable, and efficient work environment. This ranking not only allows companies to measure their progress but also drives a cultural change in how equality is understood in the corporate world.

The question is not whether companies should participate in this ranking, but why they have not yet done so. Equality is no longer an option, but a strategic necessity for 21st-century companies.

If your company is truly committed to equality, prove it with data.

👉 Register before 31 March 2025 at: www.womanforward.org

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