SIL 2023: Green light for the greatest global logistics week

SIL previa
6 de June de 2023
- SIL 2023 opening event will take place tomorrow at 10 AM; it will be presided by Raquel Sánchez –Spanish Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda–, Roger Torrent –Catalan Minister of Business and Employment–, Idoia Mendia –Second Vice Lehendakari (vice president) of the Basque Country Government–, and Laia Bonet –Third Acting Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council.
- SIL’s 25th anniversary will host more than 650 companies –40% of them are international–, more than 150 worldwide exclusive developments, as well as around 250 events.
- “Nit de la Logística” (Logistics Night) will take place tonight at Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (Barcelona); it will be presided by His Majesty the King Felipe VI of Spain, who will be in charge of awarding the most remarkable professionals within the Industry.
Barcelona, 6th June 2023. – On the morning of 7th June, the Salón Internacional de Logística 2023 (SIL 2023) will be inaugurated through an opening event presided by Raquel Sánchez –Spanish Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda; this is one of the most special editions due to SIL’s 25th anniversary. The opening ceremony will take place at 10 AM at Fira de Barcelona’s 8th hall (Mont Juic – Plaza España), more specifically at CSCMP Room. In addition, other authorities will be part of the event: Roger Torrent –Catalan Minister of Business and Employment–, Idoia Mendia –Second Vice Lehendakari (vice president) of the Basque Country Government–, Laia Bonet –Third Acting Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council–, Pere Navarro –President of SIL– Moisés Solís –President of ALACAT–, and Blanca Sorigué –SIL’s General Manager.
This institutional support shows the fair’s strategic importance in terms of economic development in Spain and its relevance as a meeting point for professionals and companies within the logistics and transport industries. It is important to highlight that this meeting –organized by Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB)– has become the Spanish-speaking, globally leader fair within the logistics and transport industries, as well as a flagship event in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean area.
From 7th to 9th June, more than 12,000 participants –in representation of around 650 companies, 40% of them international– and more than 250 events will be gathered at Barcelona. During this three-journey edition, SIL 2023 forecasts producing an economic impact of more than 40 million euros for Barcelona City and its metropolitan area. The fair will host a huge range of stands where to exhibit more than 150 worldwide exclusive developments focused on technological solutions, innovations and specialized services in terms of logistics, transport, intralogistics, supply, last-mille, etc. Furthermore, SIL 2023 planning offers a great number of conferences, panel discussions and other parallel activities regarding current challenges and emerging trends within the Industry.
Pere Navarro, President of SIL: “We will be part of an extremely special edition. The celebration of the 25th anniversary coincides with a changing moment within the Industry. It is related to the implementation of technological developments, which have contributed to a greater logistics efficiency and traceability, with an increasing vision towards sustainability, and which will allow the blossoming of new job opportunities with new-generation profiles. During these years, edition after edition, SIL has been rebranding itself along with the Industry. All of that has led us turn this event into one of the most important ones globally and the Spanish-speaking flagship fair within the Industry in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean area.”
Five international congresses
In order to continue pursuing its international spirit, another SIL’s important feature is the celebration of five large international congresses simultaneously: ALACAT’s 39th edition, organized by the Federation of National Associations of Freight Forwarders and International Logistics Operators of Latin America and the Caribbean, as the most important congress in terms of logistics in the area; the annual European Conference & European Research Seminar, organised by CSCMP (Council Supply Chain Management Professionals); EUROLOG’s 26th edition, the annual congress organised by ELA (European Logistics Association); 19th MedaLogistics Week, created by ASCAME (Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry Association), with the collaboration of Barcelona’s Chambers of Commerce and MedPorts Association. MedaLogistics Week also includes MedPorts & Shipping Summit’s 15th edition, as well as the Second African Logistics Meeting.
SIL Knowledge is the 5th and last congress; it is an extremely important event within the SIL, and its meetings are divided into six areas of knowledge: supply chain; innovation, technology and digitalization; sustainability; logistics and transport; e-commerce, last-mille and smart mobility; and talent. In this sense, 400 speakers –from the Latin-American, European and Mediterranean areas– will be gathered into 144 sessions where to do business and exchange knowledge and experience.
Blanca Sorigué, SIL’s General Manager, explained: “During the last 25 years, SIL has demonstrated its capacity for attracting professionals and companies from all over the world. This is the reason why it has become a global meeting point for innovation and development in terms of supply chain.” She also added: “We want to celebrate this special edition gathering professionals at 5 international congresses. Important international companies will be part of the event, as well as a huge range of activities and conferences with regard to globally relevant topics within the logistics industry. Therefore, Barcelona will become again the logistics capital.”
Euskadi and its importance as a guest
At this year’s exhibition, Euskadi (Autonomous Community of Basque Country) will be the special guest region; they will use this opportunity to show their potential within the fields of social, environmental and economical sustainability towards logistics of the future.
Euskadi has been recognised by the EU as one of the most important European regions in terms of logistics. It is a strategic logistics node of the European Atlantic Axis. The region possesses important infrastructures as the Port of Bilbao or the Airport of Vitoria, along with relevant road and rail networks and logistics centres.
Apart from having their own stand within the fair, the region will celebrate its central event on Wednesday 7th June at 12 PM at SIL Knowledge.
“Nit de la Logística” (Logistics Night)
In addition, “Nit de la Logística” (Logistics Night) will take place tonight. This is a formal dinner at Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (Barcelona), and His Majesty King Felipe IV of Spain will be the special guest. During the event, those professionals within the sector who have greatly contributed in making SIL the flagship fair within the Industry for 25 years at the Mediterranean and Atlantic areas will be awarded.
Relevant information for media:
Presided by: Raquel Sánchez, Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.
Date: Wednesday 7th June 2023
Time: 10 AM
Location: CSCMP Room. Fira de Barcelona’s 8th Hall (Plaza España)