Símbiosy, leading consultancy and engineering of Circular Economy joins DFactory Barcelona

5 de September de 2023
- Expert in design and implementation of industrial symbiosis strategies as a tool for applying circular economy concepts in the productive fabric of a territory, she joins the largest industry 4.0 ecosystem in southern Europe.
Barcelona, 5th September 2023. – DFactory Barcelona, promoted by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, continues to consolidate itself as the largest industry 4.0 ecosystem in southern Europe with the incorporation of Símbiosy, a prestigious strategic consultancy specialized in the exploration of public-private business opportunities for the energy transition and circular economy, through surplus resources and the decarbonization of the industry. The company analyses the industrial ecosystem, mapping the flows of surplus materials to help companies establish synergies between them, so it is a facilitator of industrial symbiosis, promoting business through collaboration between actors (the waste of one company can be the raw material of another). Símbiosy promotes efficiency in the use of resources, improves innovation, competitiveness and decarbonization of the industry while promoting sustainable development of the territory.
For the implementation of industrial symbiosis projects, the company has developed the SYNER digital platform. With the help of SYNER, agro-industrial and urban waste that can potentially be converted into resources through IS is identified and quantified, and with whom. With this, SÍMBIOSY can map the resource flows of a certain industrial ecosystem thanks to the management and analysis of large volumes of heterogeneous data through mathematical coding algorithms. Símbiosy works for industrial companies, clusters and business associations and public entities identifying new business opportunities from non-valued resources, connects different productive sectors and promotes a multi-level and sustainable governance system.
Pere Navarro, Special Delegate of the State in the CZFB, said at the welcome ceremony that “we are very happy to add to our industry 4.0 ecosystem a benchmark of the circular economy such as Símbiosy”. Navarro added that this company has “a business strategy that encourages collaboration between companies, traditionally unrelated, to realize new business opportunities by exploring innovative ways to put them into practice, giving, on the one hand, value to surplus resources such as energy, water, waste, materials, logistics or knowledge, and, on the other hand, finding innovative solutions in the provision of resources. An activity that fits perfectly with the philosophy of DFactory Barcelona”.
For her part, Verónica Kuchinow, Founder and CEO of Símbiosy, explained that “being part of the ecosystem of DFactory and the reference industrial estate of Barcelona is a very desired step as well as strategic for us, since we are in the process of integrating data management technologies and circular economy for the benefit of productive companies and their industrial environment. We are very happy to be able to participate and share knowledge with the DFactory community and look forward to contributing from here to the 4.0 transition from the circular economy applied to the industry”.
The reference industry 4.0 ecosystem in Southern Europe
The CZFB opened the doors of DFactory Barcelona just a year and a half ago with the aim of being the factory of the future, promoting and developing industry 4.0, new talent and new technologies and investments, in an unparalleled space. In this environment, a new way of producing, much more sustainable, materializes. The companies, which develop cutting-edge projects in the field of 3D printing, robotics, cybersecurity and blockchain, artificial intelligence and sensors, have the possibility of generating synergies and establishing alliances with the rest of the organizations present in the building.
The project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, facilitating the digitalization of industry as a key lever for the ecological transition and promoting the circular economy through the adoption of new production systems and sustainable advanced manufacturing.
Currently the ecosystem has facilities of 17,000m2 on four floors, where about 30 companies have already been installed and in which around 500 people work, with now 80% occupancy in just one year.
Some of the most outstanding companies that are currently part of the DFactory Barcelona business ecosystem are HP, Picvisa, e-Miles Company, NTT Data, On Robot, Alisys, Excelencia Tech Stratasys, Windforce, Leitat, AsorCAD, Mastertec 3D, Witeklab, Kuka Iberia, Imhoit, VDMHealth, Nexiona, Girbau, Innovae, Ariño Design, Amphos 21, SioCast, ICIL Lab, Hubmaster Storage and Handling Solutions, Zentinel MDS, among others.
In addition, it is expected that the second phase of the largest industry 4.0 ecosystem in southern Europe will soon begin to be projected and that will allow it to reach another 72,000 square meters in the coming years.